Connect to a PostgreSQL Database Using Python and the psycopg2 Adapter

Introduction to the psycopg2 PostgreSQL adapter for Python If you’re planning to connect to your PostgreSQL database from a Python script, you’ll need an adapter to allow Python to interact with PostgreSQL. One of the most popular PostgreSQL adapters for Python is the psycopg2 adapter. In this article, we’ll show you how to connect to … Continued

How to Bulk Index Elasticsearch Documents From A JSON File Using Python

Introduction When you’re managing data in Elasticsearch, it’s important to know how to bulk index documents in an efficient manner. This article will explain how to bulk index Elasticsearch documents from a JSON file using Python. The Python script will index the data as Elasticsearch documents with the help of the Python client library and … Continued

Build A MongoDB GUI App Using Kivy And Python (Part 2)

Introduction This article demonstrates how to build a GUI application for MongoDB, that can be deployed to multiple platforms, using the Kivy framework and Python programming language in less than 200 lines of code. The completed application in this article will allow the user to access the databases on a MongoDB localhost server, and retrieve … Continued

Build A MongoDB GUI App Using Kivy And Python (Part 1)

Introduction This article demonstrates how to build a GUI application for MongoDB, that can be deployed to multiple platforms, using the Kivy framework and Python programming language in less than 200 lines of code. This is Part 1 of a two-part series. This first article will show how to setup your app’s environment, and how … Continued

Build A Stand-Alone Executable Elasticsearch Application Using Python

Introduction This article will explain how to build a stand-alone Elasticsearch query application using Python. The original Python code used for the app can be found in this ObjectRocket article explaining how to query Elasticsearch documents in a terminal window. Prerequisites 1curl -GET "localhost:9200" -v Building an executable Python script with PyInstaller Installing PyInstaller and … Continued

How to Build an Optical Character Recognition OCR App for an Elasticsearch Index using Python and Tesseract

Introduction to using Google’s Tesseract with Elasticsearch Python-Tesseract is an optical character recognition, or OCR, tool for Python designed to read text embedded in any image supported by the Leptonica and Pillow imaging libraries. This tutorial will explain how build an optical character recognition OCR Elasticsearch app with Python Tesseract software in Elasticsearch using the … Continued

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