Build An Elasticsearch Query GUI Application Using Kivy and Python (Part 1)

Introduction If you’re looking to create an Elasticsearch GUI app, using Kivy is a natural choice. The Kivy library is a cross-platform toolkit for developing applications with natural user interfaces using the Python programming language. When you use Kivy, you can deploy applications for all platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, and Windows. In this … Continued

Build An Elasticsearch Query GUI Application Using Kivy and Python (Part 2)

Introduction This tutorial will explain how to build an Elasticsearch GUI App with Kivy in Python. Kivy is a cross-platform, free, open-source Python library used to develop mobile GUI Apps and other software applications with Python programming language. Kivy is compatible with Apple, Android, Linux and Windows operating systems. The application will demonstrate the potential … Continued

Use Python To Check If An Elasticsearch Cluster Is Running 657

Introduction When you use the Python programming language to make an API method call to an Elasticsearch cluster, you’ll want things to go as smooth as possible. To increase your instances of successful connections and reduce returning exceptions, perform these Python check Elasticsearch cluster running verification steps. Follow the training in this tutorial to learn … Continued

Check If A MongoDB Server Is Running Using The PyMongo Python Driver

Introduction When you work on a MongoDB database project, it’s important to verify that your port and domain are correct. Having the wrong settings and not realizing it right away can quickly lead to slowed productivity and increased frustration. This tutorial shows you how to check MongoDB server running PyMongo Python so that an exception … Continued

How To Use Python’s JSON Library In Elasticsearch

Introduction If you’re working with Python and Elasticsearch, it’s important to make sure you’ve lined up all the tools you need to get the job done efficiently. One key tool is Python’s JSON library. This built-in JSON library seamlessly converts Python dict (dictionary) type objects into JSON strings and vice versa, making it easy to … Continued

How to Create a Python Class Designed to Construct Elasticsearch Documents

Introduction This tutorial will explain how to create a Python class construct for Elasticsearch documents. All variables and pieces of data are fundamentally “objects” in Python programming language. As all objects have attributes and properties, having a solid understanding of the OOP, or Object-Oriented programming, concept is essential to learning the Python fundamentals. Creating a … Continued

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