Build An Elasticsearch Query GUI Application Using Kivy and Python (Part 2)

Introduction This tutorial will explain how to build an Elasticsearch GUI App with Kivy in Python. Kivy is a cross-platform, free, open-source Python library used to develop mobile GUI Apps and other software applications with Python programming language. Kivy is compatible with Apple, Android, Linux and Windows operating systems. The application will demonstrate the potential … Continued

Elasticsearch Cheatsheet of Kibana Console Requests

Introduction The Kibana Console UI is an easy and convenient way to make HTTP requests to an Elasticsearch cluster. It’s not difficult to get started with Kibana: Just make sure that the Kibana service is running, and navigate to it on your server (the default port is 5601). Go to the Dev Tools section (if … Continued

How to Create simple Search Engine using Elasticsearch PHP Client

Introduction: If you’re looking for fast, powerful search functionality, Elasticsearch is the logical choice. This scalable search engine can perform speedy, efficient full-text searches and other complex queries. You can use PHP to create a simple search engine that demonstrates the capabilities of Elasticsearch. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how documents can be created … Continued

How To Use The Search API For The Elasticsearch PHP Client

Introduction If you’re using Elasticsearch to store documents, you’re going to need to search that data in different ways. Elasticsearch is known for its powerful, efficient search capabilities, and the PHP client for Elasticsearch makes it possible to harness those search capabilities from a PHP script. This step-by-step tutorial will explain how to perform different … Continued

How To Update And Delete an Elasticsearch Document Using The PHP Client

Introduction: If you’re looking for a scalable full-text search engine, Elasticsearch is the natural choice. Elasticsearch provides users with an official API for some popular languages, including PHP. Elasticsearch’s low-level PHP client offers a streamlined interface that makes it easy to communicate with Elasticsearch. Common tasks such as indexing, deleting, updating and retrieving documents can … Continued

How To Perform Rolling Upgrades To An Elasticsearch Cluster

Introduction: The benefit of a rolling upgrade is that it doesn’t interrupt the Elasticsearch service. In essence, you shut down a node, upgrade it, and then restart it. You’ll repeat the process until all the nodes are updated. When a node is being updated, shards are sent to other nodes. Everything runs smoothly without having … Continued

How to Perform a Full Cluster Restart for Elasticsearch Upgrade

Introduction Initiating a full cluster restart for Elasticsearch requires you to shut all down nodes in the cluster, upgrade the nodes and the restart the cluster. For this tutorial, you will need to confirm your are running Elastic Stack version 6.x or greater on your server before you can perform a full cluster restart for … Continued

Mapping an Index in Elasticsearch using NodeJS

Introduction If you’re storing documents in an Elasticsearch index, you’ll probably want to create a mapping for the index. Mapping an index allows you to define how the fields in a documents are stored and handled in Elasticsearch: which fields contain numbers, which fields should be handled as full-text fields, how dates should be formatted, … Continued

How to Use Cluster Stats API in Elasticsearch

Introduction The cluster health API allows you to quickly obtain the basic status of the health of the Elasticsearch cluster and the cluster stats API allows you to retrieve the statistics from a cluster-wide perspective. The API can return basic index metrics, such as shard numbers, store size and memory usage as well as information … Continued

How to password protect and secure Kibana

Introduction In order to prevent unauthorized users from gaining accessing to your Elasticsearch cluster, you need to be able to authenticate the users’ authorization. This is a simple as setting up a way to validate each user. The Elasticsearch security features provides a standalone verification mechanism that allows you to easily configure passwords for Kibana. … Continued

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