Simple Chat App using NodeJS and MongoDB Atlas Part 2

Introduction The power of NodeJS and MongoDB can be harnessed to build a variety of applications. This multi-part tutorial explains how to create a simple chat app using NodeJS and MongoDB Atlas. In our last article, we began our project by creating two files named server.js and index.html, and we were able to serve the … Continued

How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS Part 1

Introduction This tutorial is an installment of the multiple-series “How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS.” Here, in Part 1, you’ll learn the beginning steps to successfully construct a new SailsJS project. This includes completing the project directory setup and modules installation steps for the application. The basic computer programming actions are create, read, … Continued

How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS Part 3

Introduction This is Part 3 of multiple-series tutorial, “How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS.” In Part 2, you learned how to use Bootstrap to assist with Embedded JavaScript (EJS) files. This enabled you to create a homepage design sample. You also incorporated MongoDB. Today, In Part 3, you’ll learn how to successfully configure … Continued

How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS Part 5

Introduction Welcome to Part 5 of, “How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS,” the multiple-series. In Part 4, you discovered how to delete a MongoDB document based on its ID. Today’s lesson will explain how to update a document. It’s the “U” part of CRUD. Let’s start. Prerequisites Complete the instructions for Parts 1, … Continued

How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS Part 4

Introduction Welcome to Part 4 of the multiple-series tutorial, “How to CRUD MongoDB using NodeJS and SailsJS.” In Part 3, you learned how to do a controller configuration for your SailsJs application, and then display your data with a view. Today, you’ll practice how to delete a MongoDB document, as “Delete” is a part of … Continued

Simple Chat App using NodeJS and MongoDB Atlas Part 3

Introduction In the previous article, we show you how to create a MongoDB Atlas free tier, a user for the cluster and configured the network access and added our IP address in the whitelisted IPs. In this section, we will dive into coding the rest of our chat application while interacting with the MongoDB Atlas … Continued

NodeJs with Redis Web App Part 1

Introduction This is part one of a tutorial series that will explain how to build a simple NodeJs Redis web app. The app can then be used for managing user information with NodeJs and Redis. As Redis is an efficient key-value data store, it supports a number of structures. Because is provides such great flexibility, … Continued

Simple Chat App using NodeJS and MongoDB Atlas Part 1

Introduction This is part one of a tutorial explaining how to create, from scratch, a simple chat app using NodeJS and MongoDB Atlas as its database. Chat apps are valuable for many applications, from interacting on social media to providing customer service. NodeJS is a powerful open source program for web app development. As it … Continued

NodeJS MongoDB Find by Id

Introduction NodeJS can be used with various databases such as MySQL and MongoDB. In this tutorial we’ll show you both how to find a document by id using plain MongoDB and also using the library Mongoose. Mongoose is one Object Document Mapper that allows us to define objects with a strongly-typed schema that could be … Continued

NodeJS MongoDB Authentication

Introduction NodeJS and MongoDB are two parts of the MEAN and MERN stacks. NodeJS is a runtime environment that executes javascript outside the browser and MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL database. NodeJS works with almost any database technology and very often with MongoDB. There are many reasons for this such as there is no … Continued

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