Connect to Redis server on ObjectRocket using WSL

Introduction Windows Subsystem for Linux, typically referred to as WSL, is a newer compatibility layer designed to run Linux binary executable files on Windows 10 operating systems and servers. WSL is an optional feature that can be enabled via the Windows Features dialog. WSL allows for running native Linux command-line tools alongside traditional Windows applications. … Continued

Redis HSET Data Type on ObjectRocket

Introduction Hashes provide database managers with an efficient and effective way of storing complex data types in Redis. In Redis, a hash consists of many key value pairs, with each key and value being composed of a data string. The Redis HSET command is used to set a field in a hash stored as a … Continued

How to connect PHP to a Redis instance on ObjectRocket

Introduction PHP, standing for hypertext preprocessor, is an open source scripting language that can easily be embedded into HTML, making it particularly suitable for web development application. Redis, an abbreviation for remote dictionary server, is considered one of the go-to software programs for structured data storing. The Redis program is an open-source key-value store, can … Continued

Guides on the Redis Zset and How to Use it

Introduction Redis provides DBAs, developers, and technical specialists with a variety of ways to save data and sort items. A few of these commands to use are lists, hashes, and sets. As you may know, sets resemble lists, except that with sets, hash tables are used to ensure that the strings in a set remain … Continued

How to Perform the Redis Flush All Command

Introduction This tutorial will explain how to perform the Redis Flush functions, specifically the Redis Flush All and Flush DB commands. The Redis Command Line Interface utility provides a simple command, used through the CLI, that will flush, or delete, all of the Redis keys on every database on a server. The FLUSH ALL command … Continued

How to Use the Redis HMSET Command

Introduction If you’re working with data in Redis, you’re likely to find yourself using the hash data structure. A hash can be thought of as a container that holds field names and values, mapping those string names to string values. You can use the HMSET command to set a specific field to a value in … Continued

How to Use the Redis to Store Json Data

Introduction DBAs, developers, and technical specialists must be able to store and manipulate a variety of data types such as strings, hashes, and sets. ReJSON’s data management flexibility stands out as a main primary feature because it supports these plus many other JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) values. Learn how to use Redis store JSON data … Continued

How to Use the Redis Transactions Commands in the Database

Introduction Open source Redis helps developers, DBAs, and other technology specialists manage data in an all-encompassing way. Foundation commands play an important role in that effort. The main reason for this is that foundation commands in Redis were designed to be atomic. This means that Redis transactions use an all-or-nothing proposition. In short, when executed, … Continued

How to Use the Redis INCRBY command

Introduction When you’re working with data in Redis, it’s important to understand the commands available to access and manipulate values. For example, you may need to know how to increment a Redis value by a certain amount. This operation can be performed with the help of the INCRBY command. In this article, we’ll take a … Continued

How to Use the Redis SETNX Command

Introduction When you’re using Redis to store data in key-value pairs, it’s important to know how to set a value at a particular key. Depending on the circumstances, you may not want to set the value if it would overwrite an existing value at the key. Fortunately, you can use the Redis SETNX command to … Continued

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