Introduction When you’re working with PostgreSQL, you’ll find that you may need to add a column or two to an existing table. This task is made simple with the help of the Postgres ALTER TABLE and ADD COLUMN statements. In this article, we’ll explain how to use these statements to add multiple columns to a … Continued

Alter Table by Changing Column Datatype in PostgreSQL

Introduction This tutorial will explain how to use the PostgreSQL alter a table statement to add or change data in a PostgreSQL table. The PostgreSQL ALTER TABLE statement can be used to change how a table was initially structured. This is a very useful function during database audits, software development or accommodating various business requirement. … Continued

How To Completely Uninstall PostgreSQL

Introduction If you’re using PostgreSQL, you may need to remove the package from your system at some point. It’s important to know how to uninstall PostgreSQL properly to make sure all components of the package are completely removed and you don’t encounter any errors. In this article, we’ll explain how to uninstall PostgreSQL from Linux, … Continued

PostgreSQL Locks and Table Lock Examples

Introduction When you’re working with database tables in PostgreSQL, you’ll need to prevent situations where multiple users or sessions are updating the same data at the same time. Fortunately, the solution to this issue is simple: PostgreSQL locks can be used to control this kind of concurrent access to database tables. In this article, we’ll … Continued


Introduction If you’re using PostgreSQL to store and retrieve data, it’s important to have a solid understanding of indexes and how to use them. Indexes can help optimize the performance of your database, enabling data to be located more quickly. It’s simple to construct an index in PostgreSQL– all you need to do is use … Continued

How to Truncate PostgreSQL Tables

Introduction This tutorial will explain how to truncate PostgreSQL tables. The PostgreSQL TRUNCATE function statement is used to delete all the data within a table or multiple tables without having to first scan the tables. Because of this feature, the PostgreSQL Truncate function is much more efficient than the PostgreSQL DELETE statement. Additionally, the truncate … Continued

How to Insert Data Into A PostgreSQL Table

Introduction If you’re getting started with PostgreSQL, one of the first things you’ll want to do is insert some data into tables. Fortunately, this task is easy to accomplish using the INSERT command. In this article, we’ll show you how to connect to PostgreSQL using the psql command and insert data into a PostgreSQL table … Continued

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