The Redis Data Types Use in the Database (Part 2)
This is part two in a tutorial series explaining the various Redis data types and how the data types are used in the database. Redis is a data structure server that supports different types of values. Traditional key-value stores have string keys connected to string values, but Redis can hold more complex data structures, as the value isn’t limited to a simple string. Part two of this series will explain the Redis data types and provide hands-on examples of how these data types are used.
- Redis must be properly installed, configured and running to execute the examples in this tutorial that explain the different Redis data types and the uses in the database. Execute the
redis-server --version
command to confirm that the redis-server and redis-cli are properly installed.
Access the Redis-cli
Refer to part one of this tutorial series, if needed, for help accessing the Redis database in the terminal.
Data types in Redis
The Redis data types include bitmaps, hashes, lists, strings, sets, or collections of strings, sorted sets and others.
Redis hash data type
This data type represents the value of an object as it holds many key value pairs that map between the string fields and string values and also calls containers for the value of the respective fields.
Following is an example of using HSET
command to prepare a set of values of the string to the created hash:
1 2 |> HSET employee name James (integer) 1 |
Now execute the HGET
command to obtain the value of the data of a field in key pair value:
1 2 |> HGET employee name "James" |
The following code shows how the HMSET
is used to prepare multiple hash fields for multiple values:
1 2 |> HMSET employee name James age 50 gender male country PHIL OK |
Now execute the following HMGET
command to obtain the given multiple values within the hash fields:
1 2 3 4 5 |> HMGET employee name age gender country 1) "James" 2) "50" 3) "male" 4) "PHIL" |
Note that the results of the HGETALL
command, shown below, returned all of the values of the key stored in hash alongside the field name:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |> HGETALL employee 1) "name" 2) "James" 3) "age" 4) "50" 5) "gender" 6) "male" 7) "country" 8) "PHIL" |
Redis lists
The list data type is a list of string values sorted in insertion order that pushes the specified value by using the LPUSH
command to the left and RPUSH
command to the right. Following is an example of the LPUSH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |> LPUSH fruit mango apple orange (integer) 3> LRANGE fruit 0 1 1) "orange" 2) "apple"> LRANGE fruit 0 2 1) "orange" 2) "apple" 3) "mango" |
Here is an example using RPUSH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |> rpush list1 object (integer) 1> rpush list1 rocket (integer) 2> lrange list1 0 1 1) "object" 2) "rocket"> lrange list1 0 -1 1) "object" 2) "rocket"> lrange list1 0 -2 1) "object" |
Note that using the
will retrieve all of the inserted items that are placed inside the list.
Sets in Redis
The set data type is collection of strings in Redis where it is stored in unordered list with the ability to add, delete and experiment with the elements. It also supports a server-side syntax of commands to calculate sets, beginning with the existing one.
- Following is an example of the
command that uses the key to store data in the set:
1 2 |> SADD data redis1 redis2 redis3 redis4 (integer) 4 |
Here is an example using the SMEMBERS
command to return the data using the key from a set:
1 2 3 4 5 |> SMEMBERS data 1) "redis1" 2) "redis4" 3) "redis3" 4) "redis2" |
- The following
command is used to get a number of elements using a key to count the elements in a set:
1 2 |> SCARD data (integer) 4 |
- The
command is used to display the difference of the key. The following example shows how to add a new key to a set as new_date and then addredis1
1 2 3 |> SDIFF data new_data 1) "redis2" 2) "redis4" |
The results should resemble the following screenshot:
Sorted sets in Redis
Sorted sets are similar to sets. Sorted sets are used to maintain the order of the set using the key to keep the elements in ascending order.
- The following
command example uses a key to add data into the set:
1 2 3 4 5 6 |> ZADD zset 1 "James" (integer) 1> ZADD zset 2 "Mark" (integer) 1> ZADD zset 3 "Anthony" (integer) 1 |
Following is an example of the ZRANGE
command that displays the elements used by the key that were added to the ordered set:
1 2 3 4 |> ZRANGE zset 0 -1 1) "James" 2) "Mark" 3) "Anthony" |
Redis ZCARD command
- The the following
command tells the key to display an element of the ordered set:
1 2 |> ZCARD zset (integer) 3 |
The following ZCOUNT
command instructs the key to return the ordered set by counting the elements in that set:
1 2 |> zcount zset -inf +inf (integer) 3 |
- The the following
command tells the key to delete an ordered set of the element:
1 2 3 4 5 |> ZREM zset Mark (integer) 1> ZRANGE zset 0 1 1) "James" 2) "Anthony" |
Now type exit
and press -kbd-return-/kbd- to exit the redis-cli
This was part two in the tutorial series explaining the different Redis data types and the uses in the database. The tutorial covered how to access the Redis-cli and then covered the various Redis data types, including the Redis hash data type, lists, set and sorted set data types. Remember that the list data type is a list of string values sorted in insertion order that pushes the specified value to the left with the LPUSH
command and to the right with the RPUSH
command. The set data type is collection of strings in Redis stored in unordered list and sorted sets are used to maintain the order of the set.
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