Using Flask on a Raspberry Pi with MongoDB (Part 2)

Introduction This is part two of an article series on how to make a Flask and MongoDB web application, for development purposes, on a Raspberry Pi single board computer as a local web server for your backend data. In the last part we covered how to SSH into the Pi device, as well as install … Continued

Using Flask on a Raspberry Pi with MongoDB (Part 1)

Introduction In this article series, we’ll show you how to set up a Flask web app, written in Python, on a Raspberry Pi. Our app will be using MongoDB as its backend database. This first installment of the series will cover the initial setup and configuration needed for Flask, Raspberry Pi and MongoDB. By the … Continued

Auto Increment Sequence in MongoDB

Introduction If you’re accustomed to working with SQL databases, you’ve probably had some experience with auto-increment sequences. This functionality automatically generates a unique value when a new row is added to a table. Although auto-increment functionality isn’t built into MongoDB, it’s possible to achieve the same results with a simple alternative. In this article, we’ll … Continued

Setting The Psycopg2 Isolation Level In Python For Postgresql Transactions

Introduction The Psycopg 2 adapter is used with PostgreSQL to support the Python programming language. With Psycopg2, developers and DBAs have the ability to set appropriate transaction isolation levels which control the time duration for read locks and other isolation specifications. Learn how with this tutorial that explains a fast way to set Psycopg2 isolation … Continued

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