How to Limit the Query results in MongoDB using in Eclipse using Java

Introduction If you’re a Java developer working with MongoDB, it’s important to know how to create different queries in order to get the results you need. Normally, a MongoDB query performed using Java will return all matching results; however, there may be times when you need to limit your results to a specific number. Fortunately, … Continued

Inserting a Document in MongoDB Using JAVA

Introduction MongoDB stores documents in BSON form. All of the documents in MongoDB are a record that is a data structure made up of fields and value pairs. MongoDB documents are comparable to JSON objects and the values of fields can include other documents and/or arrays of documents. Just as you use JSON like structure … Continued

How To Use The AND Operator in MongoDB Queries using Java

Introduction Creating queries is an integral part of communicating with MongoDB. Some queries are quite simple, while others are more complex and use logical operators such as AND. If you’re a Java developer, the MongoDB Filters class can make it easy to use various logical operators in your MongoDB queries. In Java, you can pass … Continued

How To Connect Java to MongoDB Using Eclipse IDE

Introduction Java is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the MongoDB user community. If you’re planning to work with MongoDB as a Java developer, one of the first tasks you’ll need to accomplish is to connect Java with your MongoDB instance. In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll explain how to connect a Java application … Continued

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